Hunters, Need Your Deer Hide Tanned?


I use the traditional brain tan method to tan skins. This is a combination of brains, smoke and muscle. No chemicals, industry, or machines. This transforms the deerskin to a pliable, soft, smoky, piece of fabric you can then use to mend clothing, or make clothing, bags, gloves, or quivers. It is also an amazing way to honor the entire deer after the hunt.


Contact me with your interest, number of hides and type of hides and await confirmation that I have availability.

Store your hides. All brain tanning happens in Spring to Summer. Freeze or wet salt your hides to preserve them. If wet salted, please use fine non-iodized salt and store in a plastic tub outside. Fold the hide into a ball and place it on top of two bricks to allow the moisture to drain from the skin.

Ship or bring your hides to me at an agreed date in the Spring. When the hide is finished, I will contact you for pick up or shipping.


Pricing varies depending on hide size. A small fawn would range from about $200 to $250, a doe between $350 and $450, and a buck $400 to $500.

Place a 50% deposit upon project confirmation, and pay the remainder once the hide is complete.